It’s been a couple of weeks, and I’ve slowly been working on these three different quilts. The Oregon waterfall quilt has been glued in place and the edges have been sewn over. I used several different stitches to sew the edges, and I’m very happy with the results. I’ve put that quilt on pause while I make a decision about how I want to add all of the greenery at the top of the image. I have a couple of options, but I haven’t yet decided which of them to use.
I spent some time last weekend crossing a couple of state lines to go to stores that I know have an excellent selection of solid fabrics, and I was able to find all of the fabrics for the Hus Ved Havet quilt. I came away with a total of eight yellow-greens, three blue-greens, eight brown-grays, five water blues, a red and a black for the house, and four off-white-ish things for the clouds. I’ll be using the ombre fabric that I bought online, thinking that it would work for the College Fjord quilt, for the sky. So far, the colors look very nice together. I’m hoping they come together well once the sewing begins. Thankfully, I was able to find everything in solids and didn’t have to resort to fabrics that just read solid. I have cut strips of everything except for the sky and clouds, but I haven’t started sewing the strips together yet.
Instead, I finished sewing together the vertical strips for the College Fjord quilt. This is what they looked like on the design wall when I was done:
You’ll notice the sun is there. I decided to find a very pale yellow to serve as the sun, and I think the color is perfect. Fortunately, the space where it needed to go wasn’t hard to switch out – just getting more use out of my seam ripper!
I also discovered that the blue that was meant to replace the color I ran out of is not the exact same color – it’s REALLY close, but it’s not the same. (I have since learned that the brand of fabrics is known for its inconsistency.) I was actually debating going back to replace all of the old blue with the additional strips of the new blue. But it would have been a ton of work, and I actually completely forgot about it as I was sewing the final strips yesterday. So when I realized that I’d forgotten and that the different color didn’t stick out like a sore thumb like I thought it did yesterday, I decided that there was no reason to go back and replace the original blue.