Another Busy Day

My machine is home! It was gone for all of four days. It was a timing issue and covered under warranty, so yay! I picked it up at the sewing center yesterday, and it was all ready for me to go first thing this morning.

Today was a busy day. I hung the national park quilt, which took a lot longer than I thought it would because of things I couldn’t find (hello, ADHD). I’ve been meaning to do that for a while – I just got sick of looking at a blank wall and having my voice echo in the hallway. So that’s done.

I started in on the foundation paper piecing for the abstract iceberg quilt after that. It’s been such a long time since I last did any foundation paper piecing that I lost of my add-a-quarter ruler, probably somewhere in the move to my current house (which happened in May of 2022, so a little over two years ago). So…the trip to the store to get a new one happened. Fortunately the closest store is two miles up the street and open on Sundays. I was thinking I might find the old one once I bought a new one, but noooo.

Six of the 36 blocks (18 A blocks and 18 B blocks) are now done. Two of them got done twice ‘cause I wasn’t paying attention and screwed something up. Fortunately, I use David Sirota’s No More Tears paper piecing method, so the paper wasn’t destroyed and could easily be reused to do the blocks the right way. (I did find the instructions for that method in a project from the class that I took with David well before my 2022 move…which still isn’t done. And no, the ruler wasn’t in there. It was the first place I looked.) It’s slower going than I would like, but given my propensity to screw up, I will take my own sweet time, thankyouverymuch. I figure if I spend a couple of hours on it when I have a free evening, I might have it done fairly quickly. But then again, all of my other hobbies (chorus, photo club, quilt guild, etc.) are starting up again with the start of the school year, so who knows.

When I got bored with that (hello again, ADHD), I sewed the borders onto the Horseshoe Canyon quilt. I like it SO MUCH BETTER with the borders on it! I thought about putting the layers together to quilt it but discovered that I hadn’t gotten quite enough backing fabric because I forgot to add in the width of the borders. So this necessitates adding a 10” strip down the middle of the backing fabric, which I was just not going to get done tonight. Maybe tomorrow. But I am so pleased with the quilt now that it has borders on it. The border is a black batik with a navy blue pattern on it, so it looks solid black in low light, and it just helps to balance the dark greens in the middle. I promise to post a picture of it when it’s quilted and bound.