Not What I Thought I’d Be Working On

A couple of blog posts ago, I talked about what I thought my next project would be, now that I’ve finished the Tracy Arm quilt. Well, that one has stalled out. I still don’t have a definitive image of what it might look like in my head, and when I really looked at it to start to source fabrics for it, all I really saw was green and white, and two colors do not an interesting quilt make. So I have, for the moment at least, tossed that one aside in favor of another one that is similar but has more color and texture variation.

The more I look at this one, the more I think I will like the challenge of it. I’m going to use the puzzle-piece-layering method that I learned from Trudy, but this will be the first time I use it on a piece that does not have a sky, and that idea sort of intrigues me. First, I have to figure out what the pieces will be, then I have to find the fabrics. (If I’m honest, I’ve already found a couple of them.) I think this one will be just a little smaller than the Tracy Arm quilt but larger than the boring Norway one, and of course, it’s a portrait orientation image rather than a landscape orientation. So it poses some interesting challenges.

What’s going to be a real challenge for me is recreating the waterfall. I’ve got a couple of different fabrics that I want to try out to see what works. One is a little darker but already has the vertical lines in it; I may just have to embellish those lines with some thread painting (which, by the way, I still have not yet attempted with the Norway fisherman’s cottage image). The other fabric is lighter with some muted colors on it, but has no lines on it, so those will need to be created from scratch. So the question now is – is sewing going to recreate those smooth vertical lines of the waterfall? Or am I going to have to get more creative than that? And of course, all of it has to wait until I get my sewing machine back. *sigh*

Depending on how long it takes to hear what’s wrong with my sewing machine and get it fixed, I may start collecting fabrics for other projects soon as well.