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Another Bargello Takes Shape – Allison Rainville

Another Bargello Takes Shape

I am SO not doing another bargello. Now that I’ve (mostly) got all of the pieces together for the Hus Ved Havet quilt and definitely have it all hung up on the design wall, I am DONE with this bargello idea. I am going to love both of these quilts when I’m done, but whoo…never again.

In this image, the bottom is the left side of the image, and the top is the right side of the image. So the red house that’s layered on the top actually comes just to the right of the right edge of the bottom.

I adore this quilt. I am still working on a couple of things in my head, though, that I am going to try not to screw up.

First, I’m not 100% sure I’m OK with that red. I may try to go for a darker red. While the house is meant to stand out, I think it stands out too much, and that a darker, more “muted” red (if it’s possible to mute red) might be the way to go. Still contemplating this one.

Clouds. The original image actually has more clouds than clear sky, but I am taking a little bit of artistic license here and reversing it – the quilt will have more clear sky than clouds. (I love the sky fabric, though. It is perfect for this quilt!) I have the very light grays – three of them – that I intend to use as cloud fabric. My dilemma: do I try to substitute out pieces of the sky fabric – further becoming acquainted with my seam ripper – and sew in square blocks of the grays, or do I applique the clouds in, as I will do for the house? I am inclined to do the latter, as right now, the house really stands out as not-square against all of those bargello squares, and I think that including appliqued, “rounder” shapes in the form of clouds will balance the house out, especially since most of the clouds will be on the left side of the image. I will also have to figure out how the clouds will interact with the words I intend to cross stitch on. So much to think about!

My goal is to get at least one of the two bargello quilts finished for my guild’s quilt show in the middle of March. Will the buttons win, or will appliqued clouds win? Stay tuned to find out!

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